Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Introduction.

I have started this blog in addition to my other blog, so I have a place to talk about the issues and struggles that come along with parenting a child with special needs. I feel the Time Is Now is a place for Steph to be Steph and this blog is a place to be just that, My Kid's Mom.

At my house the job of "Mom" can also be described and nutritionist, dietitian, food-police, chauffeur, baker, inventor, investigator, therapist, interventionist, doctor, lawyer, nurse, counsellor mediator... Should I go on or are you tired? I have a son with Autism and a son with mild ADHD, the latter undiagnosed and the former diagnosed. I also have a typical child, a daughter. I work full time plus, I have my children on a gluten-free, casein free, dairy-free, sugar- free diet which means I make a lot of my own foods. I just stared the diet so I am just beginning to see the amazing results. I have a full plate with my children but I own each and every decision that I have made. I brought them into the world, I choose to work, I choose the diet and I choose our lifestyle. This is not a Woe-is-me Blog! I love the life I lead and I love the experiences that I have, this blog is simply to share them with you in a way that describes my life and how different it is from yours. Perhaps it isn't all that different at all, perhaps it will enable you to feel appreciation for your own life and healthy kids, or just a better understanding at what a Mom, such as myself has to deal with. I don't know, what I do know is I need a place to detail it out so I can look back later. This is my life.

1 comment:

Family Of Five said...

I love it! I look forward to walking through it with you! I think what you are doing is wonderful.